An investigative reporter who has won awards for her work in print, television and radio, Kristina Borjesson is internationally known for blowing the whistle on US mainstream journalism outlets for censoring the truth on major stories and for being purveyors of false official-source narratives. She created THE WHISTLEBLOWER NEWSROOM show as a platform for and about whistleblowers, for conveying inconvenient truths and for presenting thought-provoking voices on urgent issues—national and international--to her audience.

Monday May 24, 2021
The Whistleblower Newsroom - 05.24.21
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Lawyer Thomas Renz discusses why he and a group of lawyers have filed a temporary restraining order against various government agencies in an Alabama court to halt vaccinations of children. Among their reasons for filing the order: FDA Emergency Use Authorization in this case is illegal; children have virtually zero chance of getting or transmitting covid; the vaccines are experimental and children should not be experimented upon, the vaccines already have an inordinately high rate of serious adverse reactions and deaths.