An investigative reporter who has won awards for her work in print, television and radio, Kristina Borjesson is internationally known for blowing the whistle on US mainstream journalism outlets for censoring the truth on major stories and for being purveyors of false official-source narratives. She created THE WHISTLEBLOWER NEWSROOM show as a platform for and about whistleblowers, for conveying inconvenient truths and for presenting thought-provoking voices on urgent issues—national and international--to her audience.

Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
RUSSIAGATE: KABUKI DANCING AROUND ACCOUNTABILITY: Veteran CIA analyst and founding member of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Ray McGovern, talks about how the time is coming once again for President Trump to make a decision that poses real dangers to him: whether or not, in the face of overwhelming evidence, to OK prosecuting top Russiagate plotters. McGovern also lays out the most current evidence showing Russiagate was a set-up while noting the government’s continuing silence about its investigation into murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and how the DNC’s emails got to Wikileaks.