An investigative reporter who has won awards for her work in print, television and radio, Kristina Borjesson is internationally known for blowing the whistle on US mainstream journalism outlets for censoring the truth on major stories and for being purveyors of false official-source narratives. She created THE WHISTLEBLOWER NEWSROOM show as a platform for and about whistleblowers, for conveying inconvenient truths and for presenting thought-provoking voices on urgent issues—national and international--to her audience.

Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
WAR PROFITEERING IN IRAQ: WHO DID IT AND HOW: Former Counterintelligence agent, combat engineer and medic Frank Gregory Ford talks about several high-level war profiteering schemes, including millions being siphoned off from the UN Oil for Food Program, Halliburton’s oil “shell game” scheme and spoils of war, including $750 million dollars in cash confiscated from Saddam Hussein’s personal banker, disappearing after being put on an airplane in the Green Zone and flown to Cyprus under the authorization of Bush-appointed head of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, Paul Bremer. This is the second of a three-part interview with Ford.